Dices Sum

2 minute read





Throw n dices, the sum of the dices’ faces is S. Given n, find the all possible value of S along with its probability.


Example 1:
Input: n = 1
Output: [[1, 0.17], [2, 0.17], [3, 0.17], [4, 0.17], [5, 0.17], [6, 0.17]]
Explanation: Throw a dice, the sum of the numbers facing up may be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and the probability of each result is 0.17.

Example 2:
Input: n = 2
Output: [[2, 0.03], [3, 0.06], [4, 0.08], [5, 0.11], [6, 0.14], [7, 0.17], [8, 0.14], [9, 0.11], [10, 0.08], [11, 0.06], [12, 0.03]]
Explanation: Throw two dices, the sum of the numbers facing up may be in [2, 12], and the probability of each result is different.

Analysis & Solution

这道题要求掷 n 次骰子得到的和为各个值的概率。首先,和的范围是 [n, 6n],返回的结果应当包含其中每个值和对应的概率的键值对。很自然的想法是,将和分解为每次扔骰子的点数,最后和为某个值的概率就是分法数乘上 \((\frac{1}{6})^n\)。然而,可想而知 n 一旦变大,分法数增长得可怕。

更重要的是,在操作的过程中,有重复的计算操作。例如,看扔 4 次和为 6 的条件下,其中的两种分法:

\[\begin{align} 6 &= 3(前两次点数之和) + 1(第三次点数) + 2(第四次点数)\\ &= 3(前两次点数之和) + 2(第三次点数) + 1(第四次点数) \end{align}\]

就这两种分法而言,不管后两次扔了多少,前两次扔的和为3的分法数都是要计算的,于是这个数就被计算了两次。随着 n 增大,这样重复的计算比比皆是,于是,一个自然的想法就是:自底而上,将前面的结果存起来(比如前两次扔到 3 的分法数之和),也就是动态规划。

没错,这道题也是典型的DP,鉴于分解数和概率只有一个 \((\frac{1}{6})^n\) 的差别,这里就直接在矩阵中存储概率值了,代码如下:

public List<Map.Entry<Integer, Double>> dicesSum(int n) {
    List<Map.Entry<Integer, Double>> res = new ArrayList();
    double[][] probs = new double[n+1][6*n + 1];

    for (int i = 1; i <= 6; ++i)
        probs[1][i] = 1.0 / 6;

    for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) {
        // Throw i times, computing and store probs in tmp
        for (int j = i; j <= 6 * i; ++j) {
            for (int lastDice = Math.max(j - 6*i + 6, 1); lastDice <= Math.min(6, j - i + 1); ++lastDice) {
                // throwing (i-1) times get (i-1) sum at least
                probs[i][j] += probs[i - 1][j - lastDice];
            probs[i][j] /= 6;

    for (int i = n; i <= 6 * n; ++i)
      	res.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Integer, Double>(i, probs[n][i]));

    return res;


\[probs[i][j] = \sum_\limits{k=k_1}^{k_2}probs[i-1][j-k] \times \frac{1}{6}\]


另外,DP过程中可以发现,求掷i次各个和的概率时,只要用到掷i-1次各个和的概率,掷0 ~ i-2次的结果都用不上,而且纵坐标大于6i的部分都被浪费了。于是,从节省空间的角度,可以将矩阵简化为一个size = 6n的数组,每一轮更新下标为[i, 6i]的部分,即掷i次和为各个值的概率:

public List<Map.Entry<Integer, Double>> dicesSum(int n) {
    List<Map.Entry<Integer, Double>> res = new ArrayList();
    double[] probs = new double[6*n + 1];
    double[] tmp = new double[6*n + 1];

    for (int i = 1; i <= 6; ++i)
      	probs[i] = 1.0 / 6;

    for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) {
        // Throw i times, computing and store probs in tmp
        for (int j = i; j <= 6*i; ++j) {
            // When throwing i times, the prob summing j is stored in tmp[j]
            // throwing (i-1) times and prob summing j is stored in probs[j]
            for (int lastDice = Math.max(j - 6*i + 6, 1); lastDice <= Math.min(6, j - i + 1); ++lastDice) {
                // throwing (i-1) times get (i-1) sum at least
                tmp[j] += probs[j - lastDice];
            tmp[j] /= 6;

        // Transfer probabilities from tmp to probs
        for (int j = i; j <= 6*i; ++j)
            probs[j] = tmp[j];


    for (int i = n; i <= 6*n; ++i)
        res.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Integer, Double>(i, probs[i]));

    return res;